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How to Keep Your Home Looking Clean

Simple Habits for Effortless Cleaning

Do you ever wait so long to clean your home that it takes an entire day — or weekend? Well, by developing the right habits, maintaining a clean home will become an instinctive part of your daily routine. And the more of these habits you master, the easier cleaning will be.

  • Don’t leave a room empty-handed.
    Before leaving a room, look around for any items you can grab that belong where you’re headed.
  • Make your bed.
    Besides making your bedroom instantly neater, turning down a made bed signals to your brain that it’s time to go to sleep so you fall asleep faster.
New Style Bypass Track HT Bedroom
A made bed makes your bedroom instantly neater.
Pirouette PowerView Stria Kitchen
Clean as you go — so there's less to clean later!

Make Cleaning Part of your Daily Routines

  • Clean as you go.
    Wash the dishes you’re done with while you’re waiting for the food to cook; hang up your clothes as soon as you change; wipe down the bathroom sink right after brushing your teeth.
  • Deal with mail immediately.
    Don’t just toss the pile onto your counter — throw junk mail into the recycling bin, and file bills to be paid at the appropriate time.
  • Keep cleaning supplies within easy reach.
    Store cleaning supplies in your bathroom and kitchen cabinets where you can easily access them when needed.

How to Keep Your Home Clean and Uncluttered

  • Designate a spot for everything.
    An uncluttered home not only looks cleaner, it makes dusting and wiping down surfaces a lot easier too.
  • Use doormats.
    Place doormats on the inside and outside of each exterior door; shake them out on a regular basis.
  • Focus on high-traffic areas.
    Make sure you don’t get too caught up in the small details that most people wouldn’t notice anyway – you can always save certain tasks for deep-cleaning sessions. Instead, focus on high-traffic areas and prioritize your most important goals for the day.
Modern Precious Metals LiteRise Aluminum Blinds Office
Designate a spot for everything, so you can easily return things to where they belong.
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