While you’ll find many different styles of smart skylight shades, a top option is smart cellular skylight shades. That’s because cellular shades are the most insulating interior shades available, helping enhance energy efficiency year-round. Their honeycomb design traps air in distinct pockets, for an extra layer of insulation at the window.
And when you pair a cellular skylight shade with smart motorization, you’ll easily be able to block the summer sun from heating up a room, while also protecting interiors from the sun’s harsh UV rays. When temps dip, you can open that shade during the day to help warm up the room, and then close it at night to keep the heat inside. (On cloudy winter days, keep the shade closed to add that insulating layer.)
Enhanced energy efficiency isn’t the only advantage of cellular shades, though. Their cellular construction helps them absorb sound, for a quieter room, while their fabrics beautifully diffuse light.
And if you’re looking for smart, motorized skylight blackout shades? You can check that box with cellular shades, too. They’re available with room-darkening fabrics—perfect for a bedroom and a sounder sleep.